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2 Art Deco Gold Painted Paper Cord Wicker Armchairs
2 similar paper cord Art Deco wicker armchairs, one with a rounded back and one with a pointed back, both painted gold with removable seat cushions upholstered in a green, blue, and beige floral tapestry fabric. (PRICED EACH)(Available individually: NWL6941A, NWL6941B)
35" w x 27" d x 42.5" h
Seat Height: 17.5"
Seat Height: 17.5"
Rental Price:
Qty: 2
* Condition: Rounded back chair: 34"w x 27"d x 45"h x SH: 17.5" // Pointed back chair: 35"w x 27"d x 42.5"h x SH 17.5"